
Homemade hamburger buns

Something has happened to me! Help!


I'm in that mode where I want to try and make everything from scratch! Not only is it cheaper and healthier, I downright enjoy it! Feels great to know each and every ingredient in the food I feed myself and my family.

On a board I frequent, someone had posted a little booklet in a pdf format about making bread. Thought what the heck, I'm far from an expert...took a peek at it. Contained a number of ingredients I don't foresee myself using but there were some yummy combinations I'd like to try. There was also a couple of instructional in preparing the dough. I'll admit, even though my trials have been fairly successful so far, I've been afraid of messing around with the dough too much. After reading the booklet, dared myself to knead the dough farther than I'd ever dreamed of. Okay, that was a little overly dramatic but you get the idea. Ha!

Had some leftover pork from a roast I made the night before (turned out delicious), wanted to make bbq pulled pork sandwiches. Was not in the budget to buy ready made hamburger buns and I was out of fresh bread. Scoured the internet for recipes in how to make hamburger buns. They all seem to require ingredients I either didn't have or want to use. Took chances and got messy. Nearly held my breath the entire time.

Don't they look pretty?! I was so proud of myself in how they looked. Now the real test was slapping some of that yummy smelling bbq pork and taking a bite. Of course I waited for the boys to try it first...beamed with excitement. These are good!! No wait, they are terrible! So terrible, I want a second one. Whew! I feared they would be too dense but despite how heavy they appeared, they really were moist and delicious.

This made 6 nice size buns.

2 cups stone ground whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon turbinado sugar or raw honey
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup warm water

Mix well. Allow to sit covered for approx. 30 mins. Knead dough between 5-8 mins. Allow to rise covered again for another 20 mins. Divide into 3 parts, knead one part for an additional 5 mins or until dough has a nice sheen to it. It's okay, I was worried about over kneading as well. Trust me, you can do it!

Roll dough until it is 1/2 inch thick, cut a large circle (I used a large mouthed mason jar (no laughing!)). Place circle on a greased cookie sheet, ball up the remainder amount and roll out for a second bun. When all 6 buns are placed on a cookie sheet. Turn on the oven at 350 degrees. Allow to heat for 5 mins, turn heat off. Wait 5 mins, put cookie sheet inside. Allow to rise for an additional 10-15 mins.

Remove buns from oven, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake for approx. 15 mins or until nice and brown.

**Yes, those are kale chips you see in the background! :o)

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